
Helper class fo builder Filters.


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fun build(): Filters

Builds the Filters object with the current configuration.

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Removes a plugin filter with the given name.

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fun setChannelMix(channelMix: ChannelMix?): FilterBuilder

Sets the channel mix filter on the player.

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fun setDistortion(distortion: Distortion?): FilterBuilder

Sets the distortion filter on the player.

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fun setEqualizer(equalizer: List<Band>): FilterBuilder

Set the equalizer bands on the player.

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Set a specific band on the equalizer.

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fun setKaraoke(karaoke: Karaoke?): FilterBuilder

Set the karaoke filter on the player.

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fun setLowPass(lowPass: LowPass?): FilterBuilder

Sets the low pass filter on the player.

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fun setPluginFilter(name: String, filter: JsonElement): FilterBuilder

Set custom filter data for a plugin.

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fun setRotation(rotation: Rotation?): FilterBuilder

Sets the rotation filter on the player.

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fun setTimescale(timescale: Timescale?): FilterBuilder

Sets the timescale filter on the player.

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fun setTremolo(tremolo: Tremolo?): FilterBuilder

Sets the tremolo filter on the player.

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fun setVibrato(vibrato: Vibrato?): FilterBuilder

Sets the vibrato filter on the player.

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Sets the filter volume. If you just want to change the volume, it is highly recommended to use dev.arbjerg.lavalink.client.IUpdatablePlayer.setVolume instead.