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fun and(p0: Publisher<*>): Mono<Void>
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fun <P : Any> as(p0: Function<in Mono<LavalinkPlayer>, P>): P
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open fun block(): LavalinkPlayer
open fun block(p0: Duration): LavalinkPlayer
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fun build(): PlayerUpdate
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fun cancelOn(p0: Scheduler): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun <E : Any> cast(p0: Class<E>): Mono<E>
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fun checkpoint(@Nullable p0: String, p1: Boolean): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun concatWith(p0: Publisher<out LavalinkPlayer>): Flux<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun contextWrite(p0: Function<Context, Context>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun contextWrite(p0: ContextView): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun delayElement(p0: Duration, p1: Scheduler): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun <U : Any> delaySubscription(p0: Publisher<U>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun delaySubscription(p0: Duration, p1: Scheduler): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun delayUntil(p0: Function<in LavalinkPlayer, out Publisher<*>>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun <X : Any> dematerialize(): Mono<X>
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fun doFinally(p0: Consumer<SignalType>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun <R : Any> doOnDiscard(p0: Class<R>, p1: Consumer<in R>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun doOnEach(p0: Consumer<in Signal<LavalinkPlayer>>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun doOnSubscribe(p0: Consumer<in Subscription>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun elapsed(): Mono<Tuple2<Long, LavalinkPlayer>>
fun elapsed(p0: Scheduler): Mono<Tuple2<Long, LavalinkPlayer>>
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fun expand(p0: Function<in LavalinkPlayer, out Publisher<out LavalinkPlayer>>): Flux<LavalinkPlayer>
fun expand(p0: Function<in LavalinkPlayer, out Publisher<out LavalinkPlayer>>, p1: Int): Flux<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun expandDeep(p0: Function<in LavalinkPlayer, out Publisher<out LavalinkPlayer>>): Flux<LavalinkPlayer>
fun expandDeep(p0: Function<in LavalinkPlayer, out Publisher<out LavalinkPlayer>>, p1: Int): Flux<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun filterWhen(p0: Function<in LavalinkPlayer, out Publisher<Boolean>>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun <R : Any> flatMap(p0: Function<in LavalinkPlayer, out Mono<out R>>): Mono<R>
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fun <R : Any> flatMapMany(p0: Function<in LavalinkPlayer, out Publisher<out R>>): Flux<R>
fun <R : Any> flatMapMany(p0: Function<in LavalinkPlayer, out Publisher<out R>>, p1: Function<in Throwable, out Publisher<out R>>, p2: Supplier<out Publisher<out R>>): Flux<R>
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fun flux(): Flux<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun <R : Any> handle(p0: BiConsumer<in LavalinkPlayer, SynchronousSink<R>>): Mono<R>
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fun hasElement(): Mono<Boolean>
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fun hide(): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun log(): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun log(@Nullable p0: String): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun log(p0: Logger): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun log(@Nullable p0: String, p1: Level, vararg p2: SignalType): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun log(@Nullable p0: String, p1: Level, p2: Boolean, vararg p3: SignalType): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun log(p0: Logger, p1: Level, p2: Boolean, vararg p3: SignalType): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun <R : Any> map(p0: Function<in LavalinkPlayer, out R>): Mono<R>
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fun <R : Any> mapNotNull(p0: Function<in LavalinkPlayer, out R>): Mono<R>
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fun materialize(): Mono<Signal<LavalinkPlayer>>
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fun mergeWith(p0: Publisher<out LavalinkPlayer>): Flux<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun metrics(): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun name(p0: String): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun <U : Any> ofType(p0: Class<U>): Mono<U>
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open override fun omitEndTime(): PlayerUpdateBuilder

Omits the end time from being sent to the node during updates.

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fun onErrorResume(p0: Function<in Throwable, out Mono<out LavalinkPlayer>>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun <E : Throwable> onErrorResume(p0: Class<E>, p1: Function<in E, out Mono<out LavalinkPlayer>>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun or(p0: Mono<out LavalinkPlayer>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun <R : Any> publish(p0: Function<in Mono<LavalinkPlayer>, out Mono<out R>>): Mono<R>
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fun publishOn(p0: Scheduler): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun repeatWhen(p0: Function<Flux<Long>, out Publisher<*>>): Flux<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun repeatWhenEmpty(p0: Function<Flux<Long>, out Publisher<*>>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun repeatWhenEmpty(p0: Int, p1: Function<Flux<Long>, out Publisher<*>>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun retry(): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun retry(p0: Long): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun retryWhen(p0: Retry): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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open override fun setEndTime(endTime: Long?): PlayerUpdateBuilder

Update the end time of the track.

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open override fun setFilters(filters: Filters): PlayerUpdateBuilder

Update the filters for the player. Please use setVolume to update the player's volume instead. Setting the volume via filters is float based (1.0f is 100% volume) and takes the time of your buffer size to apply.

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open override fun setPaused(paused: Boolean): PlayerUpdateBuilder

Update the paused state of the player.

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open override fun setPosition(position: Long?): PlayerUpdateBuilder

Update the position of the player.

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open override fun setTrack(track: Track?): PlayerUpdateBuilder

Shortcut for setting the encoded track. This will also send any user-data supplied. Please keep in mind that this will set the position field to the current position of the track.

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open override fun setVoiceState(state: VoiceState): PlayerUpdateBuilder

Update the voice state for the player.
IMPORTANT: Only ever use Link.onVoiceServerUpdate to update the voice server as this sets the state of the link to LinkState.CONNECTING

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open override fun setVolume(volume: Int): PlayerUpdateBuilder

Update the volume of the player. While you could use the filters to set volume as well, do note that that is float based (1.0f is 100% volume) and takes the time of your buffer size to apply. This method updates the volume instantly after the update is sent out.

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fun share(): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun single(): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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open override fun stopTrack(): PlayerUpdateBuilder

Shortcut for setting the encoded track to {@code null}. This will also clear the user data.

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open override fun subscribe(actual: CoreSubscriber<in LavalinkPlayer>)
fun subscribe(): Disposable
fun subscribe(p0: Consumer<in LavalinkPlayer>): Disposable
override fun subscribe(p0: Subscriber<in LavalinkPlayer>)
fun subscribe(@Nullable p0: Consumer<in LavalinkPlayer>, p1: Consumer<in Throwable>): Disposable
fun subscribe(@Nullable p0: Consumer<in LavalinkPlayer>, @Nullable p1: Consumer<in Throwable>, @Nullable p2: Runnable): Disposable
fun subscribe(@Nullable p0: Consumer<in LavalinkPlayer>, @Nullable p1: Consumer<in Throwable>, @Nullable p2: Runnable, @Nullable p3: Consumer<in Subscription>): Disposable
fun subscribe(@Nullable p0: Consumer<in LavalinkPlayer>, @Nullable p1: Consumer<in Throwable>, @Nullable p2: Runnable, @Nullable p3: Context): Disposable
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fun subscribeOn(p0: Scheduler): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun <E : Subscriber<in LavalinkPlayer>> subscribeWith(p0: E): E
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fun switchIfEmpty(p0: Mono<out LavalinkPlayer>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun tag(p0: String, p1: String): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun take(p0: Duration): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun take(p0: Duration, p1: Scheduler): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun takeUntilOther(p0: Publisher<*>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun tap(p0: Function<ContextView, SignalListener<LavalinkPlayer>>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun tap(p0: Supplier<SignalListener<LavalinkPlayer>>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun tap(p0: SignalListenerFactory<LavalinkPlayer, *>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun then(): Mono<Void>
fun <V : Any> then(p0: Mono<V>): Mono<V>
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fun thenEmpty(p0: Publisher<Void>): Mono<Void>
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fun <V : Any> thenMany(p0: Publisher<V>): Flux<V>
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fun <V : Any> thenReturn(p0: V): Mono<V>
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fun timed(): Mono<Timed<LavalinkPlayer>>
fun timed(p0: Scheduler): Mono<Timed<LavalinkPlayer>>
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fun <U : Any> timeout(p0: Publisher<U>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun timeout(p0: Duration, p1: Mono<out LavalinkPlayer>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun timeout(p0: Duration, p1: Scheduler): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun <U : Any> timeout(p0: Publisher<U>, p1: Mono<out LavalinkPlayer>): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
fun timeout(p0: Duration, @Nullable p1: Mono<out LavalinkPlayer>, p2: Scheduler): Mono<LavalinkPlayer>
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fun timestamp(): Mono<Tuple2<Long, LavalinkPlayer>>
fun timestamp(p0: Scheduler): Mono<Tuple2<Long, LavalinkPlayer>>
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open override fun toString(): String
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fun <V : Any> transform(p0: Function<in Mono<LavalinkPlayer>, out Publisher<V>>): Mono<V>
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fun <V : Any> transformDeferred(p0: Function<in Mono<LavalinkPlayer>, out Publisher<V>>): Mono<V>
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fun <V : Any> transformDeferredContextual(p0: BiFunction<in Mono<LavalinkPlayer>, in ContextView, out Publisher<V>>): Mono<V>
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open override fun updateTrack(update: PlayerUpdateTrack): PlayerUpdateBuilder

Allows you to set the track via the TrackUpdateBuilder. To stop the player, you can use stopTrack or setTrack with a null track.

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fun <T2 : Any> zipWhen(p0: Function<LavalinkPlayer, Mono<out T2>>): Mono<Tuple2<LavalinkPlayer, T2>>
fun <T2 : Any, O : Any> zipWhen(p0: Function<LavalinkPlayer, Mono<out T2>>, p1: BiFunction<LavalinkPlayer, T2, O>): Mono<O>
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fun <T2 : Any> zipWith(p0: Mono<out T2>): Mono<Tuple2<LavalinkPlayer, T2>>
fun <T2 : Any, O : Any> zipWith(p0: Mono<out T2>, p1: BiFunction<in LavalinkPlayer, in T2, out O>): Mono<O>